Monday, September 22, 2014

Calamity Jane Car Show 2014

went with my husband and daughter. some beautiful cars and a beautiful day!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

CJ Shoot Out Gang 2014

a picture from a facebook friend. how ironic is it that I, a life long Calamity Jane fan who actually had the weekend off didn't go to Calamity Jane Days the 3rd weekend in September in Princeton, MO, which is 8 miles away, because I was too freakin' tired?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

what is she going to wear to Calamity Jane Day? the world may never know...

I had the weekend off, but since I had no kid dancing on the square or marching or riding in the parade....I opted to stay home. will run Katie & Kale up there later if they decide they want to go. when I was a kid, Calamity Jane was the ultimate Saturday in town. now it is drug out over a long weekend. they still have the Shoot Out Gang and Melodrama...although I saw in the paper that it was in the Hal England basement this year since The Cow Palace was damaged by flooding that hasn't been repaired yet. My mom had a store in Princeton after I grew up and moved away, my grandparents would come to help her on Calamity Jane Day, Grandma would bring up a Sunday dinner and feed us many parades did I watch as a kid? did I march in as a pom-pon girl? did I take my own kids to watch? and then watched them marching and riding and dancing? I love a small town celebration...just would more fun to participate in one in Arizona or Colorado or somewhere different. Not so much into catching up with old friends and seeing how they've all aged so much better than I have. would rather stay home reading Sookie Stackhouse.....